I'm SO HAPPY you proposed this, frater!!...I will pass it on everywhere I can. Let's MOVE AHEAD ON MAKING THIS KNOWN OPTION A POSSIBILITY!

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cool, thank you!

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Sep 22Liked by frater chaos

It’s worth a try. The Trump Supreme Court would realize what they’ve done.

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in sane times

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A VERY interesting idea! He could delay the deadline for certification in the states.

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Here's a good explanation.

"What Happens When Election Officials Refuse to Certify Results? - Democracy Docket" https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-happens-when-election-officials-refuse-to-certify-results/

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Hi. Contrary to the corporate media's fear mongering, we're not a banana republic. Even if Jan 6 had been successful, it would have been the shortest coup in human history. Yes, our president is commander of the military, but that's second to the military's oath to defend and protect the Constitution.

Since Trump is no longer president, he's no longer "the commander". The military is no longer his to use.

The Supreme Court has limits as to what it can do. And the House has limits, too. Then there's that's pesky thing called the Senate.

It's 5:30 in the morning, and I haven't had coffee yet. Plus explaining the complexities of the Constitution would take me until noon. I'm not a Constitutional scholar, either, but I can assure you you're fears - while logical - are without merit. Our beloved and highly intelligent founders made sure we have three separate and equally powerful parts of our government.

It's why it's important to vote. 🙂💙

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I'm not sure all of that applies. If Georgia (for one example) does not certify their slate of electors by the deadline of January 6th (as they tried to do in 2020 with the "insurrection") then it would be impossible to certify the slates on time. (That's why Trump wanted Pence to refuse to certify, not so he would receive more votes, but just to delay the certification past the deadline)

If the slates are not certified by the deadline, then by law (and the Constitution) the election is thrown to the House of Reps. Since the House will likely still be in Republican hands, they would surely say Trump won, regardless of the votes. And that would be entirely legal. It's actually what the Constitution specifies. All it takes is one state to not certify their electors in time.

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This explains it much better than I ever could. 🙂

"What Happens When Election Officials Refuse to Certify Results? - Democracy Docket" https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-happens-when-election-officials-refuse-to-certify-results/

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this is great, except it still isn't addressing the problem of electors not getting certified by the deadline.

If that happens, it gets sent to the House of Reps. Period. There's no other "legal" recourse.

If local or state reps refuse to certify and courts have to step in, that delays the certification. Delay it enough and the electors can't be certified by January 6th, and it goes to the House.

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Sep 21Liked by frater chaos

Your words have given me comfort… time will tell but surely the solution is to have such an overwhelming majority of blue votes that the win cannot be denied by anyone

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This should give you more comfort. 🙂

"What Happens When Election Officials Refuse to Certify Results? - Democracy Docket" https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-happens-when-election-officials-refuse-to-certify-results/

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Sep 21Liked by frater chaos

I think Biden should arrest any Supreme Court Justices hanging around for this and any Congress People who try this along with any fake electors. Round them up. Use the Military to stop this Coup. They swore to defend the Constitution from enemies both external and internal.

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agreed... I was worried all along that our only alternative would be to go on General Strike... but hopefully Biden will do his duty

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