3 hrs agoLiked by frater chaos

Christianity is a lie. They are just doing what comes natural to liars and cons. You can't save them.

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The number of the Beast is the Roman numeral system in order: DCLXVI.


It's an anti-Roman protest from that time period.

Much of early Christianity was an anti-Roman protest movement.

The Roman Empire is the "beast."

As Mel Brooks points out briliantly in "History of the World Part I."

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It's all true. The red tie is getting longer and longer. Has he had implant surgery or just pretending?

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The whole thing is ridiculous. I am so over the power of religion. My lived experience is through a rigidly Catholic family and 12 years of stern, rigorous , rule filled Catholic school (also mostly n the 60's and a little 70's). Fortunately I was released to a public college . I was a curious, open, impressionable, smart college kid. It didn't take me long to drop the whole church thing (literally by the end of my first college quarter... by the time I left hs, that religious foundation was crumbling).

I wish human beings could find a way other than religion (or, at least, religion that impacts other people) to ease their anxieties and their need to control things.

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