Yes, a pundit on tv news claims “Biden has to answer to his base”. HELLO, his BASE wholly SUPPORTS him, do do.!!! Talk about tRump raping children, Biden is fine….

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I just finished reading this


if you haven't seen it, I recommend it

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Haha, I like the beginning w/“If he can’t walk on water” 💦 and ends w/“singing Yankee Doodle Dandy” gave me a chuckle. 🤭 But that is what self-righteous people actually expect, isn’t it… ? Pendejos.

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yes, I can't believe that way they are acting. We have his doctor's report from February, says he's fine. We are literally getting better in most polls. The vast majority of the dems in the House and Senate support Biden. (less than 2% of the dem pols have come out calling for him to step down) and yet all we hear is this repeated refrain.

I'd like to know just what the hell would convince these folks

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